
Kami telah membantu banyak klien korporasi, termasuk BUMN, perusahaan pelayaran, pengembang cryptoasset, perusahaan perdagangan, perusahaan investasi, perusahaan makanan dan minuman, dan bisnis lainnya.

Dalam memberikan layanan hukum kepada klien, kami memegang beberapa prinsip dasar yang, menurut pendapat kami, dapat mencirikan kami sebagai pengacara dan membedakan kami dari firma hukum lainnya. Kami yakin Anda akan segera menemukan keyakinan ini.


Kami berpikir bahwa klien harus memiliki akses ke hukum dan keadilan setiap hari dalam seminggu, 24 jam sehari.

Oleh karena itu, kami di PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN melakukan segala upaya agar setiap klien selalu mendapat informasi terbaru tentang kasus yang kami tangani, 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu.

Firma hukum kami menggunakan sistem manajemen kasus dan pengarsipan digital sehingga kami dapat menangani kasus dan menawarkan penasihat hukum atau solusi kepada klien di mana pun dan kapan pun kami berada.


Kami percaya bahwa hukum dan keadilan harus terjangkau bagi semua orang.

Oleh karena itu kami berusaha untuk berkontribusi untuk mewujudkannya. Meskipun menggunakan jasa pengacara hampir pasti mengeluarkan uang, namun berjalan tanpa bimbingan hukum yang tepat hampir selalu menghasilkan masalah yang lebih mahal dan memiliki efek yang tidak dapat dihitung.

Berbeda dengan biaya per jam yang sangat tinggi, kami menawarkan opsi pembayaran tarif tetap / lumpsum untuk membuat waktu Anda bersama kami lebih terjangkau.

Tujuan PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN adalah membantu Anda mendapatkan bantuan hukum sebaik mungkin tanpa menimbulkan beban keuangan.

Transparency And Honesty

Kami menganggap nilai-nilai transparansi dan kejujuran sebagai prioritas utama kami di tempat kerja.

Merupakan tanggung jawab kami untuk bertindak semaksimal mungkin demi kepentingan hukum terbaik klien kami, selama berada dalam koridor hukum.

Terlepas dari apakah Anda setuju atau tidak setuju, Anda akan selalu menerima kebenaran dan penilaian yang komprehensif dan jujur saat memilih untuk bekerja bersama kami.

Track Record

PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN didirikan oleh Daniel Dhanu Prayogo, yang memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai pengacara litigasi dan pengacara korporasi di beberapa firma hukum ternama di Indonesia dengan reputasi global yang prestisius.

Sebelum mendirikan PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN pada Agustus 2014, Daniel Dhanu Prayogo telah berpengalaman menangani berbagai perkara rumit saat bekerja di beberapa law firm terkemuka di Indonesia sejak tahun 2009.

Salah satu highlight dari Firma Hukum PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN di bidang hukum bisnis dan perusahaan adalah secara efektif membela hak hukum klien perusahaan dalam negosiasi kontrak untuk layanan penggajian dengan bank asing yang merupakan salah satu dari lima bank terbesar di dunia.

Sementara itu, kasus Litigasi yang ditangani meliputi kasus pidana dan komersial, konflik hak kekayaan intelektual, dan masalah kepailitan dan penundaan utang lainnya.

Dalam bidang hak kekayaan intelektual, team pengacara PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN dengan efektif telah membela hak pemilik bisnis dalam kasus pelanggaran merek dagang dan hak cipta.

Selain itu, PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN berhasil membela hak hukum banyak pasangan perkawinan campuran sehubungan dengan penyusunan dan persetujuan perjanjian pascanikah dan kepemilikan aset mereka di Indonesia.

Lebih lanjut, PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN berhasil membantu pengembang cryptoasset dalam mendaftarkan aset crypto mereka di Indonesia.

Dengan PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN di sisi Anda, Anda dapat yakin bahwa perusahaan Anda memiliki landasan hukum yang kuat untuk berkembang. Kebutuhan hukum Anda akan tetap tepat waktu dan fokus, memastikan bisnis Anda terhindar dari risiko di sepanjang jalan.

PRAYOGO ADVOCATEN dapat menawarkan sumber daya dan rujukan terbaik, serta berada di sisi Anda ketika situasi berada di luar kendali Anda.


Testimonials From Our Clientele

Testimonial from the Director of PT Bahari Sentosa Bersatu, a well-known Indonesian shipping company.
Testimonial from the Director of PT Bahari Sentosa Bersatu, a well-known Indonesian shipping company.
PT Agrita Best Seafood, a well-known fishing company in Indonesia, Director's testimonial.
PT Agrita Best Seafood, a well-known fishing company in Indonesia, Director's testimonial.
[English Version] 
Testimonial from the Director of PT Bahari Sentosa Bersatu, a well-known Indonesian shipping company.
[English Version] Testimonial from the Director of PT Bahari Sentosa Bersatu, a well-known Indonesian shipping company.

Client-Attorney Relationship

(As adopted by the Indonesian Law No. 18 of 2003, Advocate Ethical Code governed by PERADI, and practical way of international legal system).

Courtesy, reciprocal trust, and respect are the hallmarks of the Client-Attorney Relationship. Within that relationship, the Client looks to the Attorney for expertise, education, sound judgment, protection, advocacy and representation. These expectations can be achieved only if the Client fulfills the responsibilities as described below.

Client's Rights

  • You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and consideration at all times by your Lawyer and the other Lawyers and personnel in your Lawyers office.
  • You are entitled to  the independent professional judgment of your Lawyer and undivided loyalty uncompromised by conflicts of interest.
  • You are entitled to an Attorney capable of handling your legal matter competently and diligently, in accordance with the highest standards of the profession. If you are not satisfied with how your matter is being handled, you have the right to withdraw from the Client-Attorney Relationship at any time (court approval may be required in some matters and your Attorney may have a claim against you for the value of services rendered to you up to the point of discharge).
  • You are entitled to be charged a reasonable fee and to have your Lawyer explain at the outset how the fee will be computed and the manner and frequency of billing.
  • You are entitled to have your questions and concerns addressed in a prompt manner and to have your telephone calls returned promptly.
  • You are entitled to be kept informed as to the status of your matter and to request and receive copies of papers. You are entitled to sufficient information to allow you to participate meaningfully in the development of your matter.
  • You are entitled to have your legitimate objectives respected by your Attorney, including whether or not to settle your matter (court approval of a settlement is required in some matters).
  • You have the right to privacy in your dealings with your Lawyer and to have your secrets and confidences preserved to the extent permitted by Indonesian law.
  • You are entitled to have your Attorney conduct himself or herself ethically in accordance with the Ethical Code of Professional Responsibility.
  • You may not be refused representation on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, politic, sex, and social culture background.

Client's Responsibilities

  • The Client is expected to treat the Lawyer and the Lawyer's staff with courtesy and consideration.
  • The Client's relationship with the Lawyer must be one of complete candor and the Lawyer must be apprised of all facts or circumstances of the matter being handled by the Lawyer even if the Client believes that those facts may be detrimental to the Client's cause or unflattering to the Client.
  • The Client must honor the fee arrangement as agreed to with the Lawyer, in accordance with the prevailing law.
  • All bills for services rendered which are tendered to the Client pursuant to the agreed upon fee arrangement should be paid promptly.
  • The Client may withdraw from the Client-Attorney Relationship, subject to financial commitments under the agreed to fee arrangement, and, in certain circumstances, subject to court approval.
  • Although the Client should expect that his or her correspondence, telephone calls and other communications will be answered within a reasonable time frame, the Client should recognize that the Lawyer has other clients equally demanding of the Lawyer's time and attention.
  • The Client should maintain contact with the Lawyer, promptly notify the Lawyer of any change in telephone number or address and should respond promptly to a request by the Lawyer for information and cooperation.
  • The Client must realize that the Lawyer need respect only legitimate objectives of the Client and that the Lawyer will not advocate or propose positions which are unprofessional or contrary to law or the Lawyer's Code of Professional responsibility.
  • The Lawyer may be unable to accept a case if the Lawyer has previous professional commitments which will result in inadequate time being available for the proper representation of a new client.
  • The Lawyer is under no obligation to accept a Client if the Lawyer determines that the cause of the Client is without merit, a conflict of interest would exist or that a suitable working relationship with the Client is not likely.

Prayogo Advocaten Law Firm (DHPLawyers.Com)

Corporate Legal | Litigation | Debt & Asset Recovery

  •  Menara Cakrawala 12th Floor, Unit 1205A, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.9, RT.002 / RW.001, Kelurahan Kebon Sirih, Kecamatan Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat 10340 - Indonesia.
  •  Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CFG9ZJjhobJZyaps9
  •  (021) 5890 5002
  •  (+62) 812-8791-9141
  •  legal@dhplawyers.com
  •  Monday - Friday: 8.00 AM - 8.00PM (Reservation Needed). Saturday & After Hours: please contact us in case of emergency situation

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Corporate Legal | Litigation | Debt & Asset Recovery